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Gold Theme Decorations


From conception to execution, I will be there for you every step of the way. We will meet virtually or in-person to discuss your vision, budget, and ideas to develop a comprehensive plan to make your event come to life. We will also meet monthly and weekly leading up to the event to ensure you stay up-to-date on all the details and are involved every step of the way.



Secured a venue? Have dates set? Perhaps even sent out save the dates which hint at a theme? Now what? I can join your team 2-3 months prior to your event to help cross the ‘t’s’ and dot the ‘i’s’. I’ll make sure all the pieces of your puzzle fall into place leading up to your big event. Day of services are included. I’ll take care of all the logistics while you enjoy your party.



You’ve done the hard work leading up to the event. I want you to be able to enjoy it. An On-Site Coordinator is the liaison between you and all the vendors you have hired for the big day, including the venue. From confirming arrival and departure times, remaining balances/tips that need to be paid, to creating a schedule for the night to ensure activities are moving swiftly and according to plan. An On-Site Coordinator is there to be your #1 cheerleader, administrator, guide, and counselor throughout the night. I will work with you to help plan, coordinate, and schedule at least 3 weeks before the event.

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